The LUGO Press

Illustration Piece: Home Illustrated by Georgina Bazin

Illustration Piece: Home

Home is our surroundings, where we reside. Home is who and where we identify with, our own sense of belonging. Our bodies are our homes, the very vessel in which we exist. These vessels which carry us through experiences, places, people, we see as so far removed from the natural world around us. We are in one sense, living with nature’s cycles of life and death, the changing colours of trees through seasons, each one shedding the previous in a cycle of loss and renewal. And yet we somehow seem to step further and further away from our connection to the earth. We place our manmade home in a perceived superiority to the very earth on which we set foot, the earth on which we tread. Do they not say that our bodies are made up of something like 70% water? We are nature itself. I know that I am home whenever I am near the sea. I like to imagine a world where we live with nature instead of against it. In harmony with the tidal motions, the abundance produced through seasonal changes, with other living beings as equally justified in their presence on this earth as our own. Now more than ever, we need to listen and live with the earth as if it is our equal, in an exchange for the air that we breath, the fruits that we reap and the ability to call it our home.

Georgina Bazin, Home